2023 Best Deer Zone California Hunting Maps and California Local Hunting Clubs
Zones X5a, X5b, and Southeastern part X4
The Best California Deer Zones!
All three of these deer zones are located in Lassen County
in northeastern California featuring Rocky
Mountain mule deer, 150 to 200 pounds. These
are California's largest mule
deer subspecies and bucks with
25- to 28 inch racks are not
According to our
Hunting Report, the best hunting: Zone
X5b has the No.1 hunter success! Zone X5a is second choice, followed by
X4 in the South east area as shown in out hunting map.
Check out our hunting map for Lassen County’s X5/X4 zones that are good deer country but to draw a permit to hunt
X5a, X5b or X5c is about 1 in 100. But
if you are one of the lucky bums who drew a tag, they’re the closest thing to
trophy quality mule deer hunting the state has to offer.
Hunter success hovers around 50 percent. All three zones
have some excellent hunting, and this
year’s prospects are as good, if not
better, than last year’s. A mild
winter combined with a fair to good spring fawn
crop are two reasons why hunters should be excited this year. Most of these deer zones are located on
public land owned by the federal Bureau
of Land Management, most of which
is made up of rolling sagebrush hills
and junipers that are complimented by
steep, aspen-rich draws, prime mule deer
country. Some Hunting Clubs and
private hunting ranches are there, so don’t cross any fences.
The wide-open terrain is home of the Rocky Mountain mule deer, the largest subspecies of mule
deer in the state. Some deer in Zone X’s
are mule deer-blacktail crosses, but the deer in Zone X5a and X5b are strictly
muleys that average 170 pounds. An exceptional buck can tip the scales at 200
pounds and those kinds of deer come out of X5a and X5b every fall.
These deer grow some pretty nice antlers a 3-year-old
average buck sports a 20- to 22-inch rack, but good bucks in the 25- to 27-inch
class are common. Trophy bucks in the 28- to 32-inch class are shot every year
in all these zones.
Zone X5b It’s the
best. The season opens early October every year but o hunters have good two
weeks to find their buck, before it closes, and the buck which must be a fork 4
better. Zone X5b is a large, open area that has excellent access that‘s largely
BLM land.
Observation Peak or Shinn Mountain opening day is crowded but
chances are, they’ll shoot some nice bucks. But try Cottonwood Mountains up
north for less crowds, and it holds some trophies. Another good choice is
McDonald Peak or head to the Skedaddle Mountains. Check our Hunting map for
more information.
Zone X5a This is the
second best zone out of the three as far as hunting success goes. Count on
seeing plenty of bucks in the eastern Lassen County zone, located west of
Highway 395. Top areas at Fredonyer Peak, Snowstorm Mountain and Shaffer Mountain
Zone X4 . X4 is
lowest of the Big Three, an deer are
largely scattered in Lassen National Forest, down by Eagle Lake. Best place to find those huge bucks are
Antelope Mountain on the fringe of the forest. Other spots worth a try Mahogany
Peak and Roop Mountain.
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California Hunting Clubs for Turkey, deer, pig, quail,
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